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About UWC Cayman Islands

UWC Cayman Islands was founded in 1984 and is a small charitable organisation made up of UWC alumni and other supporters of the movement. Since then more than 75 Caymanians have attended UWCs across the world. Many have gone on to attend excellent universities and returned home to work as lawyers, doctors, CEOs, human rights activists, entrepreneurs, accountants, civil servants and more. Others are currently pursuing educational and career opportunities abroad.

During the local selection process we look for students who have the potential to benefit from a UWC education, but we also seek those who will contribute to their college and become life-long agents of change, giving back to their local and global community however they can. Selections take place between February and March and students must be Caymanian and 16 or 17 years old on September 1 of the year of entry. Students must be in their final year of high school unless enrolled in the American system i.e. Triple C, Cayman International School. Non-Caymanian students can find information on other national committees and the Global Selection Programme on

Almost all students attending a UWC college would be unable to do so if they had to pay full school fees. Conducting our selection process solely on merit, without regard to socio-economic background and ability to pay, would therefore not be possible without scholarship provisions. Internationally, UWC is committed to ensuring as many students as possible experience a UWC education regardless of cultural, socioeconomic, racial and religious backgrounds, experiences and connections. Many UWC alumni give back in a variety of ways and their contributions help to sustain and further the movement, a testimony to the value which the graduates themselves place on their own UWC experience.

UWC Cayman Islands relies on fundraisers and the generous sponsorship of individuals, corporations and other organisations to provide scholarships for Caymanian UWC scholars. Selection will always be carried out prior to any assessment of parental contributions and scholarships. Once an offer is made to nominate a student to a UWC college, parents will be invited to determine how much they are able to contribute to the cost of a UWC education to promote the sustainability of our scholarship programme and maximise the number of students that are able to access this transformative educational opportunity. Scholarships can cover all or part of a scholar’s tuition and accommodation costs (including meals and school trips) and may also include assistance with travel and other expenses if necessary.

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See "How to Apply" for more information

See "How to Apply" for more information